How To Make Your Book Free On Amazon: Permafree!
So how to get your book put on to Amazon for free. I have seen so many articles and videos of this and it's really not that complicated!
Publish on amazon don't check KDP select Publish same book & cover on Draft2Digital
If you want to publish on Apple make sure your book has no links to Amazon or other bookshops inside
You have to put in a price at first, D2D won't publish your ebook if the price is set to $0 but once the first shop accepts the book then you can drop the book to $0
It only takes around two hours for your book to start appearing in the shops for free
Contact Amazon on your Bookshelf page. It's at the bottom Contact Us
Look down the list and select Pricing
Then Select Price Match
Type in the details of the book you want to make free.
Can you please price match this ebook
The website address that shows your ebook for free.
All Regions
Thank you.
Do remember to say thank you!
That is pretty much it. It took my ebook 36 hours to be listed free on .com then another 24 hours for it to be added to all regions.
My newest book!
Being a writer isn’t as easy as people think it is. How hard can it be? You sit at a computer and write! I can do that! But can you? What other problems do you think writers face?
Writers often find validation in today’s tough market hard. The doubts creep into their minds if they are good enough. Imposter syndrome makes them feel like a fake! Writer’s block removes the ability to get down their thoughts and ideas and anxiety cripples them when it comes time to publish.
An agent, a publisher or even a reader can destroy what little confidence the author had in their work. And after all of that, they go through the whole process again putting another book out there for people to critic and sometimes tear apart. Why ever do we do it?
In this ebook I will cover:
Feeling Like A Fraud
Imposter syndrome
Lifestyle and Health
Bad reviews
Writer's Block
I've written about my own personal experiences along with my own tips to help you get into the writer's mindset.
Sonia Shade
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