That is a good question!
A lot of people don't actually realize how hard it is to sell a story or a book
Social Media
I know, this is what every single blogger etc says. And they would be right. It is true social media is a very powerful marketing tool. You don't need to have hundreds of thousands of followers because of how social media works your post can be spread to hundreds of thousands of people even if those accounts don't follow you.
A lot of people think you need 1000s of followers to use social media effectively to market your writing. But actually, you only need a few people that have large amounts of followers that follow you!
Case in point my second week of publishing stories at the time I had just four short erotic stories published.
I decided to do a free promotion on Amazon. Because it was free! I was dreaming people would download it and give me fame and then they would buy my other stories and I would have made it! But nope I was still getting zero downloads!
Sucks right? I couldn't even give my story away!
I put the link on Twitter and someone who follows me retweeted it, my count went from 0 downloads to 93 downloads in a few hours. The account that retweeted had around 6,000 followers. Not a massive amount but enough to give my story a kick. After that, I was starting to get on average 90 Kindle Unlimited reads per day and 3 sales not too shabby for the first month. I have heard of people selling nothing at all and getting just a few KU page reads during the first six weeks or so and then giving up. Bless them.
What harm can it do to put your writing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Minds etc whatever your prefered Social Media platform happens to be.
I prefer Twitter I find that they have hashtags for everything. The #WritingCommunity on twitter gave me a huge boost being an Erotica writer was not an issue either. On top of which I get to speak with other writers because writing is a lonely experience, you are looking at a screen alone most of the time. Whatever you decide to do remember this your followers on the platform want interaction not just you spamming your writing to them.
Direct/Instant Message people with your links. Most people will think you are spamming so will delete/unfollow/block you.Only talk about your own writing.
Get caught up on social media to the point you are not writing!
Don't take over people's threads with your own stuff.
Do not pay for any type of course from social media. You can learn how to write for free. You will get the experience.
Do not pay for marketing, views or followers. It just is not worth it. And some social media platforms will delete your account if they catch on that you have paid for these kinds of services. So it will be a waste of time and money to boot.
My Twitter account is my personal account but I don't have friends and family on it so that is fine.
Do! Set up a twitter account for your pen name if you are using one.
Volume Matters
The more books and or stories you have published the more you are likely to sell. Writing erotica really is a numbers game. My personal aim is to write and write until I have twenty titles then I will be releasing one short story every week or one longer novella type of thing every two weeks. But first I need to get to the twenty. On top of the new blog, twitter, family and day job this is actually a big ask to get those first twenty done.How you want to release your product is up to you. I released as soon as I had finished writing the stories so my first three or four stories were around 4-5000 words and the later stories were 5000+
A friend of mine didn't release her stories in stages she did it at the end of the month and published ten stories in one go!
Book Covers
Covers are the face of your work. Keep them simple but professional looking. I see a lot of covers in the erotica genre which are badly designed usually with too much information on them with tacky looking pictures very similar to the old romance novels that my mother used to read. Keep it relatively simple, direct and to the point, the title of the book, an idea of what the story is about and your name. Try to have the picture relate to your story there isn't much point putting two women on the cover if your story is about a husband and a wife and the best man on their honeymoon. If you want to use the two women picture wait until book two the first year anniversary and have her best friend join in their celebrations.
Keywords are important to find your work, make sure your keywords are well to put a fine word on it key. Think about what is in your book and use those words, try to write 'sexy wife' rather than just 'sexy' then 'wife'
Amazon Keywords.
Main title: Put your main keyword here: The BabySitter and the CuckqueenSecond title: I used cuckquean again but with a different spelling.
Third: Keywords go in your description. I didn't do this at first but later I did.
Finally keywords in the block at the bottom. Now is the time for words like hot wife etc
Don't repeat keywords I was doing this a lot and didn't know that doing that is just wasting space in the keyword section. Do not put FREE as amazon will ask you to change it around 12 hours later which is just a waste of your time.
Use your social media accountsWrite as much and as many stories as you can
Use keywords correctly
Sonia Shade
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